Is there a way to add a PDF to a campaign?

To do so, first, upload your file to the cloud storage and then add a link (URL) to a campaign in Woodpecker.


How to add a file to a campaign?
Why don’t we allow to add attachments directly to a campaign?

How to add a file to a campaign?

  1. Edit your campaign.

  2. Click Insert/edit link.

  3. Enter URL – the link to your file.

  4. Type in the link text, for example. Here’s the presentation.

  5. Click ADD.

Adding a link to the email

Why don’t we allow to add attachments directly to a campaign?

Sending attachments can negatively affect your deliverability, that is how many of your emails land in your prospects’ inboxes. What does it mean for you?

Having an attachment in your email copy may be found suspicious by the anti-spam filters. Therefore, your message may get bounced, and sending (or the whole mailbox) may get blocked. This, in turn, may harm your domain’s reputation. If you burn your domain’s reputation (or in other words, the reputation goes bad) it is very difficult to rebuild and regain it. However, it’s not impossible.

Spam issues?

If you notice that your emails are rejected due to spam issues, you should visit our blog to check & improve the reputation of your domain.

How to take care of your sending

For good deliverability practices, check our blog post: Cold Email Deliverability: There Is Still A Lot to Learn.